13 December 2006

Morning Post

I wake up every morning at 6, and usually listen to a a couple (30) minutes of public radio. The last few mornings I keep hearing about the Shrub and how he is now committed to changing course in Iraq. (But he still doesn't want to pull out early - that would be warus interruptus.) Wasn't it last month that we were winning the war?

But I digress: First she was going to make a big speech before Christmas and let all of his adoring fans in on the "new plan" for victory. Now, the internets and NPR are reporting it will be January before the big announcement.

Translation: For the next 3 weeks at least, 4 Americans will die every day while the military continues in the current manner, that now even Shrub recognizes to be failed.

How do you ask a soldier to be the next to die for a mission that soon will no longer exist?

I couldn't. But Shrubbery can; he doesn't even mind asking an extended number of soldiers that question, and exacting the last full measure of payment while he wanders around Washington and the world having meetings and reading memos.


JR said...

How do you ask a soldier to be the next to die for a mission that soon will no longer exist?

It's easy, just get rid of your soul.

Anonymous said...

would it be easier if the mission were going to drag on for another year, decade, what? Every mission has an end, or at least I hope they do. It's not fair to ask a soldier to give his life under any circumstance. But so long as this country's leadership holds on to traditional concepts of maintaining peace in this world (that is, war)... blah blah blah

JR said...

Well, you bring up a good point .. that what is the life of a soldier worth? Is it ever fair to ask them to die? I'm not going to get into a pacifistic discussion here (if we hold killing to be wrong how can we condone war?) but my question was based on the premise that a. we are already there and b. more than 3k americans have already been killed and c. we are going to change course / pull out in loss sometime in the future.

Anonymous said...

yeah... I guess the wild thing about this war was how so many Americans volunteered to go to war, volunteered to risk their lives. How were they all so committed to a war on terror?--fight fire with fire, hit back harder when you've been hit--and if you're not sure what hit you then just hit around in the general vicinity and hope that the culprit will get the point, ?! I can't comprehend this line of reasoning. But anyway... can you please give me something else to think about? What's going on in South Bristol these days?

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