19 December 2006

Little Drummer Republicans

I made this song in my mind today while I was working. To the tune of Little Drummer Boy.

Come, they told me rump-a-pum-pum.

Our gay-ass leaders to see pa rump-a-pum-pum

Our finest sons we send rump-a-pum-pum

Now I say to them rump-a-pum-pum

The president is an idiot for sure pa rump-a-pum-pum.

He attacked Iraq for oil pa rump-a-pum-pum.

Then Rumsfeld fucked all of our troops in the rump-a-pum-pum.

Georgie has his head stuck way up his rump-a-pum-pum.

Condi straps one on so she can give it in the rump-a-pum-pum.

Ted Haggart thinks that Heaven is in some other dude's rump-a-pum-pum.

Mark Foley loves to get all up in his page's rump-a-pum-pum.

Now it's time to get all up in their rump-a-pum-pum.

And change this shit pa rump-a-pum-pum.


18 December 2006

This Guy's an Idiot

Our friend, Mr Tom DeLay, is a fuck-show. He started a blog that actually allowed comments ... for 75 minutes. Before they all got deleted some dude took a snap shot...

Some of the comments are pure genius...have a look here, I particularly like the assclown one.

13 December 2006

Morning Post

I wake up every morning at 6, and usually listen to a a couple (30) minutes of public radio. The last few mornings I keep hearing about the Shrub and how he is now committed to changing course in Iraq. (But he still doesn't want to pull out early - that would be warus interruptus.) Wasn't it last month that we were winning the war?

But I digress: First she was going to make a big speech before Christmas and let all of his adoring fans in on the "new plan" for victory. Now, the internets and NPR are reporting it will be January before the big announcement.

Translation: For the next 3 weeks at least, 4 Americans will die every day while the military continues in the current manner, that now even Shrub recognizes to be failed.

How do you ask a soldier to be the next to die for a mission that soon will no longer exist?

I couldn't. But Shrubbery can; he doesn't even mind asking an extended number of soldiers that question, and exacting the last full measure of payment while he wanders around Washington and the world having meetings and reading memos.

11 December 2006

Odds and Ends

Thanks to Goods for pointing out the best little mini-flick I've seen in some time.

The other one being a Bill Maher piece on new colognes being offered for the holidays:
  • George Bush's Quagmire - if you use it she won't want to pull out
  • Spray it in your undisclosed location - Dick Cheney's Go Fuck Yourself
[By the way, the HBO show Real Time is pretty fantastic, and the episode from which the above was lifted was great...podcast it in iTunes. Listen to Richard Dreyfuss, he's quite brilliant. ]

In other news, you can send some of the holiday spirit here.

08 December 2006

The New Horror

Dread Mullet: The new horror that has taken hold of America!

02 December 2006

Open Letter to Shrub

Let me be perfectly clear here. You very obviously have no idea what is going on in the world. Nor do you have the mental acuity to heed even the other idiots who are closest to you and will soon call for our disengagement from this fools errand in Iraq.

Mr Shrub, how is Iraq like Vietnam? We'll win unless we quit? You said that last week, and I'm still puzzled. It sounds like something my god damn track couch spouted on the practice field. No blood or death there, just pride. Not so in war, you jackass. Comments like this allow even the most dimwitted of us to see you for what you are. Your callous disregard for life, Iraqi and yes, American, can only be treachery - the high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of a House impeachment. That impeachment will not be forthcoming, but one will. You will be impeached in the court of public opinion and found guilty by the jury of history; an offense not easily pardoned by a future Republican president.

Since you seem incapable of reason on the simplest plane of normal human existence, perhaps thru art you can be persuaded. A recent pop movie smash hit was titled Spiderman. I know you saw it, it doesn't take a whackjob like you to fantasize over Kirsten Dunst. Most of the movie was monosyllabic enough for you to understand it. You may have missed something very poignant however, since it didn't involve all that much action. At this one point in the movie, the one I'm sure you missed, Peter Parker's uncle tells him that "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility." You should think long and hard about this, and what it could mean - how could it apply to you?

If you're grinning in answer to this query, thinking that you are soon to be in Kirsten's pants with Laura none the wiser, then I applaud your myopic tunnel vision. Or perhaps I will paint you a grimmer picture Mr Shrub, one without a young aspiring actress draped over your knee. Parker, you see, is America. He has great power, he is a 'superhero'. America too has power, it is a 'superpower'. Thus, a metaphor. Get it? Now for the hard stuff, the power and responsibility part. You are the illegitimate leader of America. Illegitimate as you may be, you are still the leader. Now take the next step. I know you can't do it, so I'll help: America has great power, and you lead America. Thus, you have great responsibility. And as my final gesture of good will I will tell you that responsibility is the sense in which one is responsible for achieving (or maintaining) a good result in some matter. The idea, Shrub, is that one is entrusted with achieving or maintaining this outcome, and expected to both have relevant knowledge and skills, and to make a conscientious effort.

We somehow have entrusted you ma'am. And through lies, deceit, idiocy and cowardice you have neglected your responsibility, you have neither achieved nor maintained anything good. On these grounds and those outlined above I call for your impeachment and removal from office and ask the God that you so often call on to take heavenly mercy on your twisted soul.

01 December 2006

A Helping Hand

My new weekly segment: The best thing in the world.

This week the award goes to Kiva.org which allows people like us to help the working poor around the world with micro-loans to fan the flames of entrepreneurial spirit.

Loan terms very, usually around a year in length. Thus far Kiva has 100% repayment.

The guy I sent $25 bucks to (he could still use a few more): Ion Cernoivanenco

I encourage everyone to pass this along, loan money if you can, and hope that maybe the internets will save the world yet.

Computer Climate Prediction


Download Bionic, it's an open source program that shares your computer's extra clock ticks with projects that need the help, in this case a climate prediction model. Sorry, no Mac version that I know of.

Bottom Line: Reduce your carbon footprint by making use of idle CPU time, and feel good that you are proving Shrub more wrong with every passing millisecond.