30 October 2005

Is it Contageious?

It took several days, but i finally got enough coffee to write some more junk. Mostly just to ramble i'll mention how shingles on my cabin have kicked my ass. Also, the tractor that i'm using for contracting work kicked my ass. And the cost of TK's wedding is kicking my ass. Nuff said.

Apparently you're supposed to actually think about things before you start on them. It seems so reasonable, but is it really that easy? It's not, and here's why. See, when you're thinking about something then you're not really doing it. That's a problem because mostly people like to see progress of some sort. (People who don't ever see any are, well, not happy.) It makes people like me with no will power jump right into shingling a wall without figuring out how you're going to go around the windows and tie into the frieze board. But the half i got done looks really nice. It's just the half that's not done will look like shite. So the moral of the story is that a 6pak of PBR would really have sorted it all out since beer really diminishes motivation to see progress.

Goodwin. Just remember that having kids and a wife and a house are very manly. But only 1 beer a week is very gay. You can look that up, it's like a law or something. Oh, and if you need any help on the basement let me know.

Hopefully no rain-out this weekend for the Goose roof.

Over and out.

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