30 October 2005

52 Billion is a Shit Ton

$52B is what i see in the new aide package (to Katrina areas). That's good, god knows they need all the help then can get. The real question in my mind is about the oversight of these funds. No-bid contracts and inflated pricing will be the norm. CEOs with ties to the Bushies and Friends will be mopping up unless there is complete transperency in the usage of this relief money. Who will stand up and demand this? (Why it needs to be demanded i've yet to understand.) I will, but who will listen?The Dems are calling for Michael Brown (head of FEMA) to be fired. What balls. A week late and an election short. How about actually having a plan, putting it into motion, and making it work? Now there's a concept that works. Who knows, the Democratic party might end the slithering, grow a backbone, and walk upright.