30 October 2005

Enough of Politics

I'll take a day off from the ranting. It's hard, but i'll do it.Goods, I'm with you about several things. First, how fucking hard is it for Yahoo to put a spell checker on this damn thing? I'm paranoid about mispelling things so i'm constantly giving her the old CTRL-C copy/paste thing into Word. Problem is, my computer it's like yours used to be. Chock-a-block full of 256MB. Loading Word XP is almost an excercise in futility when you're running FireFox, Media Player, OutLook, etc. Oh, and Visco's Blogger is so much sexier than Yahoo's 360. I know this is a Beta, but you can't even define your own lists - you have to use their totally predictable ones, like "my favorite movies." Common, I know we act like we're in Jr. High sometimes (or a lot) but shit. Until Yahoo cleans up its act w'll just call it Yahoo 260 degrees.For the round robin Blog-Off, let's pick the easiest one first. Gas prices. I know some illiterate chimps from Zimbabwe that have plenty to say so we should be all set. I just hope the internet doesn't run out of bandwidth.But first ... my project list for the cabin consists of: build deck, cedar shingle, trim boards, outside finish work, inside walls for bathroom, door to porch installed, electrical, gas line, plumbing, etc. Didn't even mention the insulation and interior finished walls. Also, check out photos posted on my 260 page. Last week I sailed from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island in a 37' trimaran. We we running in front of Katrina so it wasn't the most joyous cruise ever, but much fun none the less.That's about it for me. I'll think about gas prices for a little while and try to come up with something other than "they suck and they're stealing money from my heroin habit."