20 May 2006

Plan B

My new theory is that I'm going to attach some random key words to all my emails. Words like impeach, terrorist, bomb, etc. I'm also going to throw them into phone conversations, so if you call me be prepared for Tourette-style outbursts at any given time. Maybe I can single-handedly crash the NSA data mining servers. Or maybe not. That is all.

Had my first night at 93 Townsend last night. Didn't make a hundred bucks or anything, but not bad for a first night. I even managed to get weeded
for a while. The manager is cool, the owners seem to be a little ... well ownerish. Smuggle Mexicans under the border. They have live piano on the weekends. That's a joke, because it sucks. And the menu is confusing, which sucks. And the damn bartenders cork the wine at the bar before you present it to your table, which is like working at McDonald's. Which sucks. George Bush Hates Black People. And other than that everything was great. Thank god it's only two nights a week.

One other thing. Why the hell is my lawn growing like a frickin' weed plantation. I just got done mowing the bitch two days ago and it already looks like a jungle. Impeach Bush. At least the weather is nice so I can start mowing it again, there is that.


MamaGoods said...

The keyword idea is fantastic. I often use these words and phrases while I'm on the phone. I'm just waiting for the feds to come banging my door down.

Screw 'em.

JR said...

In the great words of the Clash: When the knock on your front door, how you gonna come?