27 November 2005

Oceans -12

So I did a little of the movie watching the other day. Went down to the rental joint and saw Oceans 12 sitting there for sale: 5 bucks. Now a rental costs about 4 bucks, so I think to myself "Hey, even if it's not as good as the first one (which is what everyone tells me) it has still got to be worth an extra buck to own it." Well, I was wrong. My general impression of the flick was that it was startlingly worse than if I had gotten shitfaced, written the script myself, puked on it repeatedly, sobered up, then crossed out everything funny. And then filmed it. How it was that the plot made less sense than the point of curling I can almost forgive. The 5 minute man-ballet scene I can not. I may have laughed once, mostly to break up the awkward silence inside my head where interest and intrigue should have been. I did drink several beers; I thought it might dull my sense of humor to the point of actually being amused by the rat-shite dialog. I even tried (with all my might) to find humor in Julia Roberts playing someone who looks like Julia Roberts. It didn't work. None of it worked. And I have lost two hours of my life and 5 dollars on a plastic box and a mini Frisbee.


Anonymous said...

Johnny boy, I couldn't agree with you more. I hated this movie so much that I can't even watch the first one anymore.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was so bad... I can't complain when Clooney and Brad Pitt are both in one movie :)