Well, I just listened to the best thing ever: hearing the Shrub (try) to speak. It really amuses me. The speaking part anyway. (What he says? That, my friends, is a horse of a different fucking color.)
So there is this: Shrub speaking reminds me of, well, me speaking. Only the me I'm referring to is 18 and hungover, is fumbling thru COM 103 in his first semester at UMaine, and is not the leader of the free world.
The title of this post is Ars Discordia. It's Latin, but i don't know if it means anything. I took Latin in High School, and you can imagine that my grammar (never good) has not exactly improved since that time. The point is that I am considering starting another blog. One that I will probably not write in. But I might. And if i did it would be slightly more serious political and social commentary. Less swearing and more detail-oriented.
It is unclear to me at this late hour whether or not this is a good idea. Is it respect for the few people who read my blog that I might split off my mundane musing from my leftist babble? Or is it vanity, thinking that some people would actually read two different blogs posted by me?
These things I don't know, so in honor of "sitting on the fence" I will write a new post. I give you, my loyal but tiny audience the opportunity to either read it below, or on Ars Discordia (where there is also a definition.)
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