Surprise, surprise. Ken Lay, defrauder general of Enron, destroyer of 4,000 jobs, fleecing of pensions, and lying sack of shit still believes he's innocent. The jury did not agree, and found him guilty on all counts. I wonder if old W. will extend the olive branch of presidential pardon? Somehow, I see it in the works. Lay gives a lot of money to the Republicans. Maybe he can even be appointed to head the Federal Reserve. I must ask, however, if two guilty verdicts are enough; clearly there a whole mob of people complicit in these activities that are jumping for joy, still free to roam corporate America and steal again.
Do yourself a favor, and check this out. Read it, or listen ... pretty amazing stuff.
Also, this just in. Robert Novak promised Karl Rove that he would protect Rove in the event of any investigation into the leak. Who knew.
Now that Hayden has been confirmed as CIA director, I'll probably get arrested immediately if I say that for this memorial day we should honor the dead soldiers of this country by bringing those who are still alive and in harm's way home from Iraq, so their names are not added to the lists of dead.
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