Second day in a row with a brain-rattling crash. This time with broken helmet and slight concussion. I'm not skiing again till it snows. Alot. And the trail gets softer. And, from now on, i'm going to be drunk when on the hill. This shit is fucked up.
That crack is all the way through. There's also one (smaller, only 1 inch) on the back.
Oh, and by the way, if you don't wear one you should start. I actually might start using one to walk around town.
Peace love dope.
Maybe you should just ski better?
Just a suggestion..
Again, when i see you in Utah i'll go ahead and start taking shit from you.
Hey if you stay out there long enough, one of these years I'll get my shit together and get out there.
Until then I'll just rag on you for the fun of it.
I just bought a helmet... sounds like a worthwhile investment. Sounds like Johnny boy might need to wear two.
Seriously. One helmet for the big head, one for the little head.
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