16 December 2005

Grey Matter

My brain hurts. And it's not because of the nasty close-to-death fuckshow that was my skiing the other day. Visco's post about the global warming and the reading has me thinking about quitting my job and locking myself in a library for a while, I've only read one Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five. I do have his new one, A Man Without a Country, on my list. I'll let you guys know.

I have basically two things to say today. Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand. I think that's from Van Wilder, originally from some guy I've never heard of before (again, the library thing) named Bodie Thoene. If you can name a more apathetic civilization than ours, please let us all know.

Also, great world powers, whether or not considered hegemonic in nature, are always brought down from within, by an explosion of, and a complete intoxication by, decadence and moral turpitude. I'm I'm not just talking about inside the beltway.

Kudos to NASA for being one of the few govt institutions that can (occasionally) voice something akin to truth. As far as environmental funding goes, let's have a quick look at who does the research. Non-profits, universities, and Left-Wing Envirofreaks. Not the sorts of outfits that pour millions into the campaign coffers of either party. Who does fill the treasure chests of Washington? We all know. Exxon-Mobil, Enron, Halliburton, etc. Not typically fond of environmental discourse. Or any discourse. Machiavelli in the 21st century; money makes right.


Anonymous said...

So are you saying that we're watching the decline of the western society? I hope it's a slow decline, wouldn't want the dogface to have to face riots in the streets.

Also, I don't know what hegemonic means, but I do know that Van Wilder is a gooder movie than most.

JR said...

I don't know what it means either, but it sounded good. Van Wilder is one of the bestest of all time.

Anonymous said...

Hey I understand how it is. Sometimes you're just on a role, and all of a sudden there's an unknown $5 work mixed in.

Happens to me all the time.

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