So, I got blog envy again. Because Steve did his research it seems and picked the best (or a better) blog site on the wild web.
Yahoo. I know you're 360 is a beta, and as such we can't expect much. You've got a lot going for you, notably the synthesis of many different Yahoo areas in one page. I mean, you even let me post my NetFlix queue for gods sake. On the other hand, spell checking technology has been around since before I could read. Perhaps a little addition is in order? I also have the word 'privacy' for you kids to ponder. Maybe some people want to comment on my blog without logging in? Apparently you're not aware that not everyone likes Yahoo. Work on that, we'll all be happier.
That's all I have because I'm pretty lame today/this weekend/this week/this month. (Pick One.)
31 October 2005
30 October 2005
Drugs and Money
768 million spent on the eradication of Afghanistan's poppy crop last year. 600 million to buy it. All.
Capitalism turned Greed. Republicans and Democrats both: jump on the bandwagon, wave the flag, and dance the two-step of capitalism. Free market this, competitive advantage that. Free trade will end hunger and fabricate a pax imperia. NAFTA didn't screw the blue collar middle class. Out sourcing strengthens the economy. The illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans don't want. Greenhouse gasses are a hoax.
Suck it, you lying sacks of shit. Name for me one American that will sit with idle hands while their family starves? Can Indians in New Deli really help me program my VCR? Moving manufacturing jobs south of the border frees up the skilled American workforce to ... sit on their idle hands. The new "service economy" is what, centered on low paying, no benefit jobs at Wally World? Tell the "city of Louisiana" there's no global warming.
So i got to thinking. And what i thought was this: the halls of power in DC and wallstreet ring with the chants of capitalism when it fills the pockets of the neo elite and bourgeoisceo. But when some simple capitalist math would put a virtual end to the ginormeous drug farm that was once called Afghanistan, somehow the argument is over-ruled by the hawks screaming for no-bid contracts and military suppression of drug manufacturing. I'm sick of it, and i hope i'm not the only one.
Other things for me to wax pissed about:
Two weeks ago there was this company called Delphi. They were the leading US manufacturer or auto parts. The executives were very pleased with
their performance at the helm, so they rewarded themselves by increasing their compensation package. The next day Delphi filed for chapter 11. When the fuck is this shit going to stop.
We sent 8 helicopters to help Pakistan with the rescue effort after the earthquake. The US military, which all of time has seen nothing to compare, came up with 8 choppers. What a gesture.
Capitalism turned Greed. Republicans and Democrats both: jump on the bandwagon, wave the flag, and dance the two-step of capitalism. Free market this, competitive advantage that. Free trade will end hunger and fabricate a pax imperia. NAFTA didn't screw the blue collar middle class. Out sourcing strengthens the economy. The illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans don't want. Greenhouse gasses are a hoax.
Suck it, you lying sacks of shit. Name for me one American that will sit with idle hands while their family starves? Can Indians in New Deli really help me program my VCR? Moving manufacturing jobs south of the border frees up the skilled American workforce to ... sit on their idle hands. The new "service economy" is what, centered on low paying, no benefit jobs at Wally World? Tell the "city of Louisiana" there's no global warming.
So i got to thinking. And what i thought was this: the halls of power in DC and wallstreet ring with the chants of capitalism when it fills the pockets of the neo elite and bourgeoisceo. But when some simple capitalist math would put a virtual end to the ginormeous drug farm that was once called Afghanistan, somehow the argument is over-ruled by the hawks screaming for no-bid contracts and military suppression of drug manufacturing. I'm sick of it, and i hope i'm not the only one.
Other things for me to wax pissed about:
Two weeks ago there was this company called Delphi. They were the leading US manufacturer or auto parts. The executives were very pleased with
their performance at the helm, so they rewarded themselves by increasing their compensation package. The next day Delphi filed for chapter 11. When the fuck is this shit going to stop.
We sent 8 helicopters to help Pakistan with the rescue effort after the earthquake. The US military, which all of time has seen nothing to compare, came up with 8 choppers. What a gesture.
Got My Middle Finger Up 'Round Here
From George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People
Hurricane came thru and fucked us up round here,
Government actin' like it's bad luck down here,
All i know is that you better bring some trucks round here,
Wonder why i got my middle finger up round here?
I ain't saying he a gold digger, but he ain't messin with no broke niggas.
I knew that hip hop would finally find its voice. Just too bad that Clearchannel won't play it.
Hurricane came thru and fucked us up round here,
Government actin' like it's bad luck down here,
All i know is that you better bring some trucks round here,
Wonder why i got my middle finger up round here?
I ain't saying he a gold digger, but he ain't messin with no broke niggas.
I knew that hip hop would finally find its voice. Just too bad that Clearchannel won't play it.
Where are my Brain Pills?

"Beth and I at the wedding this weekend."
If i could have found/invented brain pills, or was just quite a bit smarter, I would have written this:
Understanding The Media's 'Patriotic' Narcolepsy
PS Starts a little dry, but i laughed my ass off once i got a little into it. Oh, and i'm scared.
Is it Contageious?
It took several days, but i finally got enough coffee to write some more junk. Mostly just to ramble i'll mention how shingles on my cabin have kicked my ass. Also, the tractor that i'm using for contracting work kicked my ass. And the cost of TK's wedding is kicking my ass. Nuff said.
Apparently you're supposed to actually think about things before you start on them. It seems so reasonable, but is it really that easy? It's not, and here's why. See, when you're thinking about something then you're not really doing it. That's a problem because mostly people like to see progress of some sort. (People who don't ever see any are, well, not happy.) It makes people like me with no will power jump right into shingling a wall without figuring out how you're going to go around the windows and tie into the frieze board. But the half i got done looks really nice. It's just the half that's not done will look like shite. So the moral of the story is that a 6pak of PBR would really have sorted it all out since beer really diminishes motivation to see progress.
Goodwin. Just remember that having kids and a wife and a house are very manly. But only 1 beer a week is very gay. You can look that up, it's like a law or something. Oh, and if you need any help on the basement let me know.
Hopefully no rain-out this weekend for the Goose roof.
Over and out.
Apparently you're supposed to actually think about things before you start on them. It seems so reasonable, but is it really that easy? It's not, and here's why. See, when you're thinking about something then you're not really doing it. That's a problem because mostly people like to see progress of some sort. (People who don't ever see any are, well, not happy.) It makes people like me with no will power jump right into shingling a wall without figuring out how you're going to go around the windows and tie into the frieze board. But the half i got done looks really nice. It's just the half that's not done will look like shite. So the moral of the story is that a 6pak of PBR would really have sorted it all out since beer really diminishes motivation to see progress.
Goodwin. Just remember that having kids and a wife and a house are very manly. But only 1 beer a week is very gay. You can look that up, it's like a law or something. Oh, and if you need any help on the basement let me know.
Hopefully no rain-out this weekend for the Goose roof.
Over and out.
Beer for Strength
So, it's true. The weather this weekend officially sucks ass. The forecast, on the other hand, is not quite so grim. Saturday evening is going to be slightly drunk with a chance of being hammered. Dinner will be partly to mostly cow, with a possibility of something green by late evening. Blurred vision will be clearing by mid-morning on Sunday.Things that i'm thinking about today: 1. How bad drycleaning is for you. I'm taking my first trip to the a drycleaner today or sometime soon, and i'm really looking forward to getting cancer from the Perc they use. It used to be used as an industrial degreaser in factories until it was outlawed because it's too toxic. But you can still use it to clean your clothes.2. Fascism in Maine. More on this later, but does the State really need to regulate whate size tires you can put on your vehicle? Do trailers that only carry 500 lbs of boat really need trailer breaks?3. Beer4. Girls named Beth5. Oh yeah, Perc was the shit that got into the water supply in Woburn MA, they made a movie called A Civil Action about it.6. The Red Sox. Will they blow their 1.5 game lead? Does it matter if they win the division if their pitching is so weak that Visco would be the 3rd starter?Visco was right. Randy Johnson is the Ugliest. Human. Being. Ever.Pictures from Visco's camp should be shared now.
Rain Sucks Ass
So this weekend i'm supposed to help the Goose put a new roof on his house. This is the conversation that will probably take place around 10:30am on Saturday:
John, why's your leg all wet?
I pissed myself.
No, it's just water.
Where did the water come from?
The ice.
Where's there any ice?
In my tool pouch.
Why's there ice in your tool pouch?
To keep the beer cold.
Other nominations for the ugliest human ever:
a. that guy who used to play center for the Knicks in the 90'sb. you
John, why's your leg all wet?
I pissed myself.
No, it's just water.
Where did the water come from?
The ice.
Where's there any ice?
In my tool pouch.
Why's there ice in your tool pouch?
To keep the beer cold.
Other nominations for the ugliest human ever:
a. that guy who used to play center for the Knicks in the 90'sb. you
Decks and Shite
Delta and NW both declared bankrupcy i hear. So now i can't afford to drive OR fly anywhere. Shit. I did finish my deck today though, all i need is to cut some bracing to finish up the post/beam connection. Anyone have a miter saw i can borrow? Lists seem to be nice for everyone, so here's one for all to see. OK. My deck is 8 ft wide and 24 ft long. I didn't use a single piece of pressure treated wood because it's poison. All lumber was local -- grown and sawn in Maine.
Maine Deck Ingredients:
(2) 2x8x12' KD spruce for the header
8" and 6" TimberLok lag screws to attach the header
300' of 4" Grace Vycor
(4) 18" cement pads
(24) 2x8x8' rough cut cedar for joists and rim joist
(7) 4x6x8' rough cut cedar for posts and beam
(2) French Hookers for a 3-way
(4) 1" post standoffs
(17) metal joist hangers
(432) linear feet of 5/4 cedar decking
(shit ton) self countersinking deck screws from Marden's
Goody and Visco. I may not be all that smart, but heed my advice: whiskey. You'll sleep like a we used to in college. All night (and most of the day.)
Maine Deck Ingredients:
(2) 2x8x12' KD spruce for the header
8" and 6" TimberLok lag screws to attach the header
300' of 4" Grace Vycor
(4) 18" cement pads
(24) 2x8x8' rough cut cedar for joists and rim joist
(7) 4x6x8' rough cut cedar for posts and beam
(2) French Hookers for a 3-way
(4) 1" post standoffs
(17) metal joist hangers
(432) linear feet of 5/4 cedar decking
(shit ton) self countersinking deck screws from Marden's
Goody and Visco. I may not be all that smart, but heed my advice: whiskey. You'll sleep like a we used to in college. All night (and most of the day.)
Enough of Politics
I'll take a day off from the ranting. It's hard, but i'll do it.Goods, I'm with you about several things. First, how fucking hard is it for Yahoo to put a spell checker on this damn thing? I'm paranoid about mispelling things so i'm constantly giving her the old CTRL-C copy/paste thing into Word. Problem is, my computer it's like yours used to be. Chock-a-block full of 256MB. Loading Word XP is almost an excercise in futility when you're running FireFox, Media Player, OutLook, etc. Oh, and Visco's Blogger is so much sexier than Yahoo's 360. I know this is a Beta, but you can't even define your own lists - you have to use their totally predictable ones, like "my favorite movies." Common, I know we act like we're in Jr. High sometimes (or a lot) but shit. Until Yahoo cleans up its act w'll just call it Yahoo 260 degrees.For the round robin Blog-Off, let's pick the easiest one first. Gas prices. I know some illiterate chimps from Zimbabwe that have plenty to say so we should be all set. I just hope the internet doesn't run out of bandwidth.But first ... my project list for the cabin consists of: build deck, cedar shingle, trim boards, outside finish work, inside walls for bathroom, door to porch installed, electrical, gas line, plumbing, etc. Didn't even mention the insulation and interior finished walls. Also, check out photos posted on my 260 page. Last week I sailed from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island in a 37' trimaran. We we running in front of Katrina so it wasn't the most joyous cruise ever, but much fun none the less.That's about it for me. I'll think about gas prices for a little while and try to come up with something other than "they suck and they're stealing money from my heroin habit."
52 Billion is a Shit Ton
$52B is what i see in the new aide package (to Katrina areas). That's good, god knows they need all the help then can get. The real question in my mind is about the oversight of these funds. No-bid contracts and inflated pricing will be the norm. CEOs with ties to the Bushies and Friends will be mopping up unless there is complete transperency in the usage of this relief money. Who will stand up and demand this? (Why it needs to be demanded i've yet to understand.) I will, but who will listen?The Dems are calling for Michael Brown (head of FEMA) to be fired. What balls. A week late and an election short. How about actually having a plan, putting it into motion, and making it work? Now there's a concept that works. Who knows, the Democratic party might end the slithering, grow a backbone, and walk upright.
Shrub At It Again

Bush Struggling with Katrina
When you see it in mainsteam media, you know he's in trouble.Check out Keith Olbermann's Blog too, where he says it best (about the administration):"It has just proved that it cannot save its citizens from a biological weapon called standing water."
02 October 2005
Free Gas Tomorrow
Gas costs more than cheap sex in Amsterdam right now, we all know that. Or at least Goody does. We also know that we’ve been spoiled for a long time; sex has been really cheap for decades and even 3$/gal is relatively cheap compared to other places in the world. The biggest issue in my mind is the fact that increased energy costs place a lopsided burden on the working poor and the middle class. Dick Cheney the CEO of Haliburton, I mean the Vice President, doesn’t really care about an extra 50$ a week in fuel costs. Nor do his henchmen in Washington and Wall Street, the halls of power de jour. And, just like Goody’s brilliant analogy based on crack whores and free-basing in Brunswick, the compounding effect is also seen in heating oil. And at Walmart, where increased diesel cost will show up on the store shelves. We all know who shops at Walmart, and it ain’t Bill Gates.
So what can nobody's like us do? Interfacing scripts with Google (why the hell didn’t I buy stock during their IPO?) is a good one. Of course, in the years since I wrote Pascal code for Goodwin and most of the people in our class, I’ve really become quite good with a chainsaw and not so good with Java. I was thinking about a ride board like they used to have back in the day. Kerouac got half his material from using one. An internet (already registered) could really help. How about with the Google scripts and commuter info. For carpooling too, share a ride to work every day and you cut your fuel costs in half. And if she's hot you might even get some service on the way. What's better than that? (Only bacon.) If she's not hot, it’s a pain in the ass. But being hungry is a pain in the ass too.
Opportunity is an insensitive word to use in Katrina’s eerie light, but we the people have a chance here to effect positive change on our country. Ever wonder why there isn't more public transport in cities? Why is San Fran's trolley system so unusual? In the early 20th century GM undertook a brilliant marketing stategy. In a stunning example of capitalism undermining social interests, GM bought up public transport and ripped out the tracks. They wanted to sell more cars and busses. I think ExxonMobile's father cried all the way to the bank.
Now is our chance to invest some of that $60B in public and mass transit. All the people that couldn't leave N'Orleans after the mayor called for evacuation? A viable rail system might have saved the day. Can you imagine the fuck-show that would be LA trying to evacuate, the pavement clogged with Hummers (the vehicle type dumb ass) and Navigators?
My prediction? A momentary abatement of prices for the short-term. Perhaps through the winter. Maybe it will even be enough to lull us back into a sense of neverending fuel supplies. Maybe the poor won't be burning furniture to stay warm. On the up side, cold winters are a good excuse to get some.
So what can nobody's like us do? Interfacing scripts with Google (why the hell didn’t I buy stock during their IPO?) is a good one. Of course, in the years since I wrote Pascal code for Goodwin and most of the people in our class, I’ve really become quite good with a chainsaw and not so good with Java. I was thinking about a ride board like they used to have back in the day. Kerouac got half his material from using one. An internet (already registered) could really help. How about with the Google scripts and commuter info. For carpooling too, share a ride to work every day and you cut your fuel costs in half. And if she's hot you might even get some service on the way. What's better than that? (Only bacon.) If she's not hot, it’s a pain in the ass. But being hungry is a pain in the ass too.
Opportunity is an insensitive word to use in Katrina’s eerie light, but we the people have a chance here to effect positive change on our country. Ever wonder why there isn't more public transport in cities? Why is San Fran's trolley system so unusual? In the early 20th century GM undertook a brilliant marketing stategy. In a stunning example of capitalism undermining social interests, GM bought up public transport and ripped out the tracks. They wanted to sell more cars and busses. I think ExxonMobile's father cried all the way to the bank.
Now is our chance to invest some of that $60B in public and mass transit. All the people that couldn't leave N'Orleans after the mayor called for evacuation? A viable rail system might have saved the day. Can you imagine the fuck-show that would be LA trying to evacuate, the pavement clogged with Hummers (the vehicle type dumb ass) and Navigators?
My prediction? A momentary abatement of prices for the short-term. Perhaps through the winter. Maybe it will even be enough to lull us back into a sense of neverending fuel supplies. Maybe the poor won't be burning furniture to stay warm. On the up side, cold winters are a good excuse to get some.
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